Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Photos From the Mudgee Farm

It's been over two weeks since my last post and while I have given photography a lot of thought in that time I haven't been very active with the camera which I feel guilty about.  This blog is intended to give me cause to take photos on a regular basis and I have let myself down.  Of course I could go back through my files and pretend to myself but that would defeat the purpose.

Over the Easter weekend we went to help our son and his family at their getaway property near Mudgee.  It is a nice quiet few acres and I love going there to enjoy the solitude as well as lunch at the Mudgee pub or one of the many wineries in the area.  But even more so I love the photo opportunities which the area offers.  I have identified about a dozen different bird species on the property not to mention eagles and hawks in the surrounding countryside as well as kangaroos and other wildlife and the Australian native flora and landscapes.

This time the purpose of our visit meant we did not get a lot of free time but I still managed to get a couple of snaps one day.

Foggy Morning ar Fugly Park
Canon 7D, 24-105mm Lens @50mm, 1/60Sec @ f/4.0, ISO 200, Tripod

Although we expected we might get some rain the weather was great and I managed to get out of bed early one morning to capture a few shots of the one fog we had just before the wind got up and blew it away.

Peron's Tree Frog Litoria peronii
Canon 7D,  24-105 Lens @ 88mm, 1/250 Sec @f/4.0, ISO 200, in-camera flash, hand held.

That same night when I went to the bathroom and turned on the light, I found this frog perched on the bathroom wall.  It had been spooking the grandaughter because it was living in the toilet bowl and would dive into the drainage whenever the lid was raised.  Because it was on the wall, I was able to get the camera and the frog and take them both outside where I released the frog onto a tree.  It hopped from branch to branch before settling down to pose quietly for me.

The more I use the 7D, the more impressed I am with what it can do and how it can do it.  I was happy with the 40D and still carry it as a backup but the 7D gives more of a taste of what professional photographers use and although it is not a full pro camera I fully understand why they are prepared to pay more for their gear when their livelihood depends on it.

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About Me

This Blog is about my journey as I try to rediscover photography and all it's pleasures. I took up photography with a passion following my retirement from work and have had ups and downs as I aspired to learn and become the best photographer I could be. I have no interest in becoming a professional in the field, merely that others may enjoy the results of my achievements.